Wednesday 12 August 2015

Rocky Road

Chocolate + Marshmallow + Biscuit = Delicious.
I've been making this dish for a couple of years and it gets requested every summer when we visit our grandparents. It's incredibly simple and can be made in less than 30 minutes (it takes a couple of hours for it to set though!). It doesn't require any specialist equipment just a set of scales, a saucepan, a rectangular tin and some elbow grease! 

450g of chocolate (200g for the mix and 250g to top)
135g salted butter
3 tbsp of golden syrup
200g digestive biscuits
125g mini marshmallows

Melt the 200g of chocolate and butter together in a pan (slowly so it doesn't burn).
Add in the golden syrup and stir until combined then remove from the heat
Put the digestive biscuits in a bag (freezer bag etc) and crush until they've formed small pieces.
Add the digestive biscuit pieces and the mini marshmallows to the pan of melted chocolate/butter/syrup.
Stir until it's all coated nicely.
Grease or parchment paper a rectangular tin (12"x9" works well).
Spoon the mix into the tin until an even base has been formed.

For the chocolate topping...
Place the remaining 250g of chocolate in a microwaveable bowl and melt.
Pour over the top of the mix in the tin.
Place in the fridge for 2 hours, or until solid to touch.
Serve and enjoy!